Seeq Server R63.0.3

Welcome to Seeq! If you have any feedback or support questions, please log a support ticket via the Seeq Support Portal.

For each user that accesses the Seeq Workbench for the first time, a fully interactive tour will present itself to assist the user in learning how to use our software. The tour can be dismissed and accessed later via the system menu in the upper-right corner of Seeq Workbench.

Upgrade Considerations

OData Upgrade

In R63.0.0, The OData 4.0 protocol has been added. Please visit the OData Exports page in for more information.

Best Practices

Before upgrading, it is recommended that you create a backup of your current Seeq Server. That way you can restore your application version, configuration and data files to known good if for some reason there is an issue with the upgrade. To create a backup, follow the instructions in the Backing Up the Seeq Database article in the Seeq Knowledge Base.

The Seeq Server database schema is upgraded automatically when a new version of Seeq Server first loads a data folder created by an older version of Seeq Server. The blue text at the bottom of the Seeq Server launch interface is intended to give insight into upgrade progress.

When upgrading, it is recommended that you update the Seeq Server and all Seeq Remote Agents at the same time. Each version of Seeq is tested as a whole and breaking changes between the Seeq Server and older Seeq Remote Agents are not tracked.

Datasource Caching on by Default

In R62.0.0, newly created datasources will have their Cache Enabled property set to true by default. This is the recommended behavior to ensure the best Seeq performance and lightest load on the datasource. If you wish to override this behavior, set the Datasource/Cache/Enabled configuration option to false. Consider increasing the size of the persistent series cache using the Cache/Persistent/Series/MaxSize configuration option.

Seeq Data Lab Upgrade

In R62.0.0, Seeq Data Lab has upgraded and added Python packages. Please visit Preinstalled Packages for the list of the latest installed packages.

Formula Changes

In R62.0.0, the behavior of join() near now was changed. When a matching end capsule can't be found, it now emits a capsule that ends at now() instead of at the uncertainty transition of the end condition. The uncertainty of the output was not changed, only the capsules during the uncertainty region.

Aggregate operator correction

A bug (CRAB-34503) was identified for specific inputs to the aggregate function in R57, R58, and R59. The issue is fixed in R57.3.0, R58.2.0, R59.1.0, and R60+. To ensure accurate data, a migration to clear potentially affected caches will begin at startup and run in the background if upgrading from an affected version. This migration will have temporary performance impacts beyond typical background migrations.

While the background migration runs, formula requests will encounter a small processing overhead to determine if they may be affected by the bug. Any formulas determined to be potentially affected will temporarily have persistent caching disabled to avoid using persisted data that may have been affected.

Upgrade Path

Upgrading Seeq Server on Microsoft Windows platforms to version R59.0.0 or higher is not supported. Seeq Remote Agents on Microsoft Windows platforms can be upgraded to R59.0.0 and beyond. If you are running Seeq Server on Microsoft Windows, please reach out to your Seeq Customer Success Manager, your Seeq Reseller, or Seeq Technical Support to discuss your options.

When upgrading to Seeq Server R59.0.0 or later from a Seeq Server version before R58.0.0, an intermediate upgrade to the latest R58 release is required. Installers and release notes for all previous releases are available here. All asynchronous background upgrades must complete on the intermediate version before proceeding with the upgrade to version R59.0.0 or later.

Run seeq diag migration from the Seeq CLI to check the status of asynchronous background upgrades.

Postgres 14 Upgrade

Starting in R59.0.0, Seeq's database store is upgraded from version 12 to version 14.4. This new version contain several features that will benefit regular Seeq operations and database health, such as less space taken up on disk.

The upgrade time is heavily dependent on disk speed and total database table size, as well as a number of other factors. As an example on a system with 98,000 IOPS (Input Output Operations Per Second) and a disk throughput of 3200 MB/s, the upgrade will take approximately 1 minute per 4 GB of total table size. For a slower system with 7700 IOPS and a throughput of 200 MB/s, the upgrade will take around 1 minute per 1.5 GB of total table size. To see the total size of all tables in the database, you can run seeq db stats -v in the Seeq CLI and sum the values in the table column of the Table Sizes table.

Aggregate operator correction

Bug CRAB-35028 exposed a rare scenario where an aggregate may produce incorrect results. It only affects signals that were re-cached by versions 58.0-58.2.1 or 59.0-59.1.0 where the linear input signal to the aggregate had a discontinuity directly aligned with the left edge of the capsule of interest. Clearing the cache on these items will fix the results.

Migration of Boundaries to Threshold Metrics

In R58.0.0, all boundaries (ancillaries) will be converted to threshold metrics. These metrics can be found by searching for "(old boundary name) Boundary". Existing worksteps that contain boundaries should be visually unaffected by this change.

Threshold Metric Priority Configurations

In R59.0.0, changing the Features/Colors/Priorities configuration would alter newly created threshold metrics. Previously, an existing metric could be updated by clearing its cache after the configuration change. Now to update existing metrics, modify the metric formula.

ADX Connector no longer supports Username / Password Authentication

Previously the ADX connector allowed username / password authentication to access data within ADX. This functionality has been deprecated by Microsoft and users must now create a service principal as documented here: ADX Connection Configuration

Topics no longer support UserGroup access for content

If a topic from R54 or earlier was using a User Group for its contents' access control, a user must be chosen and saved from the topic's homescreen "Edit" dialog. Until this action is taken, content will not load in that topic.

Authentication configuration refined

In R61.0.0 the authentication system was refined to simplify its configuration and operation. User sessions will now expire after a fixed period from when they were created, ensuring the user logs into the system no less frequently than the expiration duration.

Transform operator strictness

In R61.0.0 the transform and transformToX operators will report some errors that previously would have been warnings instead. This avoids problems where an error (such as a disconnected datasource) resulted in an empty result rather than a failure and error message.

In general, using other operators such as aggregate will result in better performance and more predictable results than transform operators.

SQL Connector Changes for Querying for Conditions

Starting in R61, the SQL connector has changed its behaviour when querying for condition data. To optimize how Seeq queries for data, the connector now checks for null start AND end times, which can cause a problem when the end time is a calculated value. It is recommended to create a subquery to create the calculated end time as described in the SQL query definition guide.

API Changes

Change Notes

Some new features and bug fixes may also be available in point releases of previous major versions. Release notes for all previous releases are available here.

Version R63.0.3

Bug Fixes

40075 Workbench: Workstep can leak when navigating to another workbook from a worksheet with auto-update on and journal open
39480 Workbench: Journal links in Organizer no longer work

Known Issues

39356 Workbench: Changing time zone for display does not take effect until refresh or second time zone change
34634 Unable to send logs if special character is on the name field
33884 PowerPoint Export: "Full" link types are not clickable in PowerPoint
33356 Score Card Missing a Data Point when Auto Updating
32635 Organizer: PDF layout can change because no capsule icon is too small
29806 Unable to directly pick Uncertain Capsule in Topic Date Range Modal
26158 Manual Condition Tool does not allow adding capsules via highlighting area on trend when lane labels are displayed
25452 Ignition Module: Dropping connection to Ignition Gateway
25164 Windows Installer says .NET Framework 4.6.2 is required but installs 4.8
25160 Installer: Restart requirement for .NET Framework v4.8 installation pops up in the middle of Seeq installation process
24049 Fast follow users don't see asset groups until refresh
22815 Seeq CLI: "seeq start" may time out after an upgrade
22286 AF Data Reference: Bundled documentation is inaccurate
22136 When pasting content, able to open link in Email, but not in Word
21700 Formula: Comparing unitless values to percents is broken
21456 Installer locks up if asked to do a backup and there is insufficient disk space
20375 Non-admin users can't launch Seeq in interactive mode after clean install on Windows
20099 JVM-Link: Threads cannot be interrupted while waiting on external requests
19690 SPy.workbooks does not support annotation capsule
18220 Seeq CLI: Seeq is automatically restarted after 'seeq stop' on linux
17447 Tabs opened in the background do not load until activated
14256 PowerPoint export fails if lane labels include asset paths
14255 PowerPoint export does not contain asset path
12228 Can't open topic links inside adobe reader touch
12049 Color of condition can be lost after capsule selection
10974 PDF Preview broken in Firefox 57
10439 Cursors don't display for series in bar chart mode
9698 Showing labels on single points is inconsistent at various zoom levels
9560 C# SDK has trouble with sub-second timestamps
9485 Composite search live preview will not show more than 1000 capsules
9242 Signals can be affected by one lane/one axis action when only Histograms are selected
8918 Cursors don't work for discrete points with interpolated line style
8866 Edges of trend can have anomalous samples
8667 Asset-relative pattern search uses time period, not pattern
8647 "Max duration exceeded" errors showing up for signals in Scatter Plot
8453 Trend can render inaccurately with vertical gaps
8247 Shared axes in a lane does not draw correctly right away
8191 Asset Database synchronization resulted in duplicate attribute entries
8044 Newlines in workbook description are lost when rendered
7917 Scroll/zoom don't work for manually inverted axes
7527 Comments may not show up initially
7279 Series which references comment disappears when comment scrolls out of view
6947 Display range duration inconsistent on DST transition
6097 Excel Export does not honor Capsule/Series Selector
2855 Seeq does not inform user that they need PI SDK or PI System Explorer

Version R63.0.2

New Features

39240 Notifications: Only notify creator (and optionally admin) about errors with a condition

Bug Fixes

39798 OData V2: Capsule Table memory checking can significantly slow down the export
39778 Workbench: Workstep can leak when navigating to another workbook from a worksheet with incomplete state
39058 Caching: Memory cache fragmentation can cause very slow downstream calculations

Version R63.0.1

Bug Fixes

39658 Formula: starts() is creating unitless metadata
39472 Workbench: Data pane datasource filter dropdown is capped at 250 datasources
39399 Connectors: many requests cause datasource performance degradation
39271 Workbench: Lane custom labels get moved to the wrong lane when upgrading to 59+
39166 Functions: Formula min/max can generate samples out of order
39069 Workbench: Signal labels not legible in Chain View when many capsules are displayed
36043 Data Lab: Seeq Data Lab URL does not redirect to Seeq login page when user is not logged in

Version R63.0.0

New Features

38437 Export to PI: Differentiate each signal export in Seeq's Usage tab
38193 SPy: Make rocket metrics available in spy.pull()
38080 Organizer: Data Lab Content can bind to Asset Selections and Date Ranges with URL parameters
38048 Units of Measure: Add Korean Won (KRW) as currency unit option (with no conversion)
37922 AF Event Frames Connector: Include sub-Attributes as capsule properties
37829 Docs: Improve display of types in formula docs
37493 Appserver: New configuration to fail a request after X restarts
36980 Connectors: Allow OpenID Connect timeouts to be configurable
36838 Workbench: Ability to manually set capsule thickness when only conditions in the Display Pane
36294 Organizer: Set default page size and layout
34164 Connectors/OPC-UA: Support DataParc via OPC-UA
33714 Admin: Organize Datasource connections in Admin UI
30514 Data Lab: Notify on skipped execution or an unschedule of scheduled notebooks
29391 Workbench: Collapse "more filters" in Data tab search without losing selected filters
28336 Reprioritizer: Do not cancel requests that are part of metadata sync
24379 Organizer: Color picker for formatting
6127 Excel Export: Include signal units

Bug Fixes

39234 Organizer: Cannot update the schedule from the admin Schedules tab
39233 Workbench: Y-axis doesn't expand to fill available space correctly with many conditions on display
39114 OPC-UA Connector: Server certificate validation erroneously disabled for non-DataPARC connections
39074 Workbench: Abrupt redirect to homepage when changing formula parameters
38947 Formula: $condition.move($x) incorrectly requires a constant input
38940 SPy: Templates Example Notebook Returns "TypeError: _init_() got an unexpected keyword argument 'force_calculated_scalars'"
38923 Logging: Referer does not show up for "Data Lab (Interactive)"
38875 Workbench: Opening tools that preview data, then canceling, causes data to not trend
38866 Ignition module: Boundary value queries are slow on huge Postgres databases
38851 Trend: Lane Labels do not wrap when they are too long on the browser resize
38679 Remote Agents: Remote agents take minutes or fail to reconnect after appserver restart
38656 UI: Supplying a malformed ID in the URL causes an infinite loop with the "Unable to connect to the server" message.
38620 Workbench: Scorecard Metric & Value Search Item Selector or Value Entry buttons are misaligned
38608 Workbench: Journal text cursor location is not remembered when switching to tools
38595 Workbench: Manual condition tool formatting is off
38589 Seeq SDK: Sample values of "infinity" changed from NaN to a string "Infinity"
38588 Workbench: Journal links from worksheets duplicated before R61 are broken
38584 Permissions: Cannot duplicate a topic or analysis that is in a folder and has a comment
38475 Workbench: Rocket request data doesn't fill the display bar
38465 Workbench: Cannot duplicate worksheets if Journal contains an image or is blank
38439 Workbench: Using "Customize" drop-downs causes Seeq screen to shift up
38427 Formula: TimeSinceCondition() fails on unbounded conditions
38383 SPy: Template image parameters not recognized
38375 Data Lab: Kernel dies after Seeq ML discover tries to auto save the model
38314 API: Organizer/Journal images fail to load after v999
38304 Organizer: Cannot configure specific date range format for Date Range Label
38289 Organizer: Cannot add Custom Property to table in Date Range Panel
37994 Home Screen: Switching between folder tabs can make "Unable to connect to the Server" flash
37888 API: SPy created scalars are not editable in UI
37862 Workbench: User can increase height of Details Pane indefinitely and get stuck
37823 Data Lab: Scheduled Notebook becomes unscheduled when 502 is thrown in Orchestrator
37810 Auth: Setting permissions on Datasource can cause OutOfMemoryError
37733 Seeq SDK: Replace offset with continuationToken for series endpoints
37724 SPy: output is unclear
37662 Workbench: Unable to remove single cursor with multiple conditions on the trend and lane labels on
37468 Excel Export: Large Excel requests can cause Appserver to run out of memory and crash
37447 Organizer: Documents with styled tables can make it slow to type
37386 AF Event Frames Connector: null ConditionDescriptionTemplate with partitioning causes indexing to fail
37064 Items: Appserver pulls in a lot of additional relationships and items when Audit Trail is enabled
37061 Audit Trail: Print via browser only prints first page
36992 Organizer: Improve performance for topics with lots interactive content
36986 Organizer: A Topic that does not have a schedule configured can slow the browser down
36200 Workbench: Capsule pane spinner spins when dimming is on and no conditions are selected
35351 SPy: errors with JSONDecodeError
34632 SPy: request_origin_label header causes login failure for notebooks with non latin-1 encodable names
29225 Data Lab: Linux installations can have broken file permissions
19144 Workbench: Unable to return to previous workstep after creating Custom Condition
18929 Workbench: Duplicating an item doesn't maintain number format, description, and custom properties